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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Zion -The City of Heaven-

This is the rough description of some vague visions of a movie that came to my mind while reading the Pearl of Great Price in the Book of Moses, Chapters 5 & 6

Wickedness, persecution of saints. Show the ancients, etc. Adam. They testify of God and of the Gospel—repent and believe in the Son of God—the Messiah.

Jared teaches his son Enoch the Gospel from his childhood. He tells of Adam and how after being cast out of the Garden of Eden, he built an alter and offered sacrifices. How the angel came and explained the sacrifice and proclaimed the coming of the Son of God who should die that all who believe on his name and repent would be saved from sin.

Mocking of people.
Narration of Enoch’s call to be a prophet, etc.

Start now the story of a man Mahijah? who is searching for the truth and is converted by Enoch’s preaching.

Enoch tells of his dreams and visions which show the creation of the Heavens and Earth and the wickedness of the people, God weeping, the flood and the coming of Christ, and the restoration and the last days etc. (This could be portrayed as he preaches, interspersed throughout the story)

Show the gathering of the people, fleeing from armies and saved by miracles: moving rivers, mountains, calling beasts, etc.

Show the building of a city. The goodness of the people.

Show some wars among the wicked and how they fear Zion. Show missionaries sent among them.

End with the whole city being taken up in fire and light (See picture of it in the Church’s set of pictures) as Methusela looks after it.

End Credits and then show a quick clip of Noah pleading as he loads the Ark and then the rain comes, thunder...

Subscript: “Noah came before the flood; we are nearing the time of the fire of the return of Christ…” or something like that. Or maybe that in the last days it will be as it was in the time of Noah…

More credits.

Financial Literacy

Parable of the Talents
Math 25:14-30
14 ¶ For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
15 And unto one he agave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

We must be wise stewards over all that the Lord has blessed us with. To that end we will discuss our personal finances.

What we will discuss:
-Terms: Income, Expense, Debt, Asset, Liability, Cashflow, Appreciation, Depreciation, Retirement Plans
-Tracking—Financial Statements
-Targeting—Budgets (Spending Plans) *(Attach a sample budget that could be used)
-Trimming—Goal Setting, Pay God and Self first, Live within means
-Training—Continue to learn about money and Investing

Terms: Income, Expense, Debt, Asset, Liability, Cashflow, Appreciation, Depreciation, Retirement Plans
3 Types of Income
1. Earned Income
-Job, Self Employed
-Highest Tax (50% money)
-Requires time, energy, and me
-No Residual effects
2. Portfolio Income
-Paper Assets, Stocks, Some Real Estate (Based on appreciation)
-Capital Gains, (20% money)
-Little or No Cash Flow
3. Passive Income
-Rental Real Estate—Some Businesses and Royalties from Intellectual Property
-Lowest Tax/Tax Deferred (forever?) (0% money)
-Little or no work
-Residual effect for generations
-Hedge against Inflation
Tracking—Financial Statements
-Track Money Daily—write down every penny you spend. The very process of tracking what you spend will help you cut back on wasteful habits and let you see the cracks that leak out your hard-earned money.
-Create monthly Financial Statements (Financial Report Card) See attached sample Financial Statement (Simple) This lets you know how you are doing financially. Are you on track for retirement, are you meeting your goals, etc. Most people don’t realizing that they are failing life and only get this report card when it’s too late (at retirement or at the bankruptcy attorney’s office.) If you know how you are performing, you can adjust and make changes early while it’s easy and possible.
-Spending Habits—Cashflow Patterns
-Poor people have poor spending habits (generally). They earn money and blow it straight out the expense column.
-The middle class has many liabilities (some of which they think are assets) and few if any assets. They earn money, it goes into their liabilities column and then right up out of the expense column.
-The Rich Earn money and put it towards assets. Their income from assets goes to cover their expenses and liabilities and buy even more assets.

*You become financially free when Income from Assets exceeds Expenses. This is how you can measure wealth: If you stopped working today, how long could you survive? *The rich get richer because they create more income than they spend and reinvest the extra into their asset column to produce even more income. (See also Jacob 2:17-19)

A powerful tool of leverage—can be used for you or against you.
If used wisely to obtain income-producing assets (business/rental real estate) you can grow your money so much faster—Make sure the asset services the debt adequately: Banks want to see it cover it 130% for commercial properties. Have other people pay your debts and when it’s paid off, you’ll have that much more income for retirement.
Example of Leverage:

Asset vs. Liability
An Asset is anything that produces income or appreciates in value. It puts money in my pocket and feeds me.
A Liability is anything that costs money or depreciates in value. It takes money from my pocket and eats me.
Appreciation vs. Depreciation
Appreciation is a Positive change in value over time
Depreciation is a Negative change in value over time: A useful tax shelter tool in rental real estate. It allows us to write off the depreciation of the property over a period of time even while it’s appreciating in value—must be recaptured when sold, unless you roll it into a new property—can be deferred indefinitely and even forever when done properly.

Retirement Plans
-Used to shelter money from taxes.
-Can be inherited or passed from generation to generation.
-Can be invested in anything allowed by law: Stocks, Real Estate, Gold, etc. (only a few exceptions)
-You can retire at any age with only a few stipulations depending on the type of plan.
Standard IRAs and 401ks vs. ROTH IRAs and 401ks
-Standard gives a tax break now, grow tax free and you pay tax as you take it out. (You’re assuming a lower tax bracket in retirement than currently—you’ll be poorer)
-ROTHs goes in after tax but grow and come out tax free. (Is good if you plan to retire rich and if you grow it quickly) There is a way to get it in a ROTH tax free as well.

Targeting—Goal Setting, Budgets (Spending Plans)
-Plan to get out of debt and establish a financial emergency reserve as soon as possible. When getting out of debt, it’s best to pay off the smallest amount first and snowball the same payments into the larger and larger accounts until they are all paid off. And once paid off continue putting that money towards your emergency fund and assets if possible.
-When we budget, we are not trying to deprive ourselves of things, our plan is to spend the whole paycheck. But we want to make sure that we spend it on the most important and wisest things possible and not waste it frivolously.
You can budget monthly, but I would recommend a mixture of monthly and weekly budgets. Monthly go over what you plan to spend all the monthly bills, tithing, food, gas, emergency/repair fund, entertainment/fun fund, etc. Divide up those things that will be spent weekly into weekly allowances. Weekly go over all your needs and plan when you’ll go to the store and how much you plan to spend. The other benefit is that you will have more time dealing with your finances and keep them more in mind so as not to forget or splurge.
This could be part of your weekly family council or family home evening, etc. It doesn’t need to be anything big or long. Also, it will help you adjust to meet your monthly budget goals.
This is not an exact science, the more you budget and practice and work at it the more you’ll understand where your money goes and how to cut back on waste. You’ll be able to make very accurate budgets. Try to live within that spending plan.

Trimming—Pay God and Self first, Live within means. Learn to live on 80% or less of your income. This is where you try to improve and streamline your budget. Cut back on expenses. If you want to increase your expenses, first increase your means through your asset column. Use your desire to consume to motivate you in creating more wealth.

Training—Continue to learn about money and Investing. Go to workshops and seminars. The more you know the more effective you will be—not only in finances, but you will also be more able to serve and give and build the kingdom of God. It is hard for God to use a financially floundering ship. Learning to responsibly manage our finances will help us learn to better manage other areas in our lives.
*Let us always consult with the Lord in all our decisions (Alma 34:17-27)

May we become better and wise stewards over the things the Lord has given us and use them to build up the Kingdom of God on the earth and establish Zion—that the day may come that the Lord will say to us: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”


My understanding of Rich Dad's advice from reading his books is not to mortgage your house, business and children out to the max in order to speculate in real estate. I feel that his advice is exactly the opposite. His point on using debt to build wealth faster is simply the idea that the bank lends me most of the money to buy the house, other people pay off that debt for me, give me extra money on top of my mortgage and expenses, the house (might) go up in value, while I'm taking tax deductions in the process--so after 30 years, the house is paid off, I made good income while it was being paid off and saved a lot in taxes. Now that it's paid for, your income from rent jumps up dramatically.

It is never recommended that you do anything of this sort unless you can meet the above criteria—speculation is like gambling, good investing is like good business—unless you consider all businesses and businessmen gamblers. He also never said that you have to do this with debt, it's just that you'll have to save for 30 years to buy your first house and start benefiting from it, while if you buy it with the banks money, you can buy more and more as your financial base becomes stronger and stronger.

I actually think that the "Rich Dad" advise is exactly what LDS people should be doing because then they become more financially responsible, do not have to rely on the government or an employer and are truly self-sufficient, and as we build more wealth, the more resources and time we will have to aid in the building of the kingdom. It's very similar to the parable of the talents--if you are given 1 talent, how much can you increase it. The one that saved his talent in the bank lost even what he was given, the other two invested their talents and were able to bring back more at varying success--only these were accepted and even rewarded. We all face risk with money and life, it's what we do to learn how to manage that risk and reduce our liabilities that we become assets in the hands of the lord.

The difference here is Kiyosaki's distinction between good debt vs. bad debt. Good debt gives you money, creates value and makes you more secure and more free, bad debt drains you of money creates little or no value and enslaves you to money. He does recommend that we have no credit card or consumer debt, that we pay off our cars and houses as soon as possible—I’ve never seen that he suggests otherwise. You don't have to agree with his distinction and can consider all debt bad (which is fine), but I feel that those who use debt to leverage their efforts can do more—faster, than those who insist on being completely debt free.

The difference is that you go into debt to buy a nice, comfortable house, pay it off as quickly as possible to be debt free, I go into debt to buy other houses that pay for my bills, car, and house, so that my earned income can be used to buy another house to help pay for medical bills, insurance, and give to the poor, while my earned income is still generating money to put toward other assets. After 30 years you'll only have a nice house, I'll have a nice house (also paid for) as well as many other houses and apartment buildings (also paid for) that generate so much money every month that I have to think of ways to spend or donate it, most of this money is tax free. Now I have wealth to pass to my children, help the poor, build temples, do missionary work, now I can quite my time-wasting job and serve multiple missions, finish raising my kids, grandkids, etc. I can be a more effective bishop or stake president or teacher; I will be even more useful to my family and my fellow men.

Which is more in harmony with gospel teachings?
1. Spend my life as a slave to money and working for IT all my life (in debt or not), letting fear, ignorance, and the power of money to run my life.
2. Free myself from it and become a master of money; having it work for me (rather than working for IT), gaining mastery of myself and learning how to direct the power of money for good.

Lessons I’ve learned from the Rich Dad books I’ve read:

1. The rich don’t work for money—money works for them
2. First and Only Rule is to understand the difference between assets and liabilities and buy assets
3. Assets put money in my pocket, Liabilities take money out of my pocket
4. Public education is good, but not sufficient to be financially successful—One must become financially literate
5. The poor have only expenses, the middle class has many liabilities and few if any assets, the rich have few liabilities and many assets that pay for their liabilities and expenses
6. There are 3 types of income: earned (50% money), passive (0% money), portfolio (20% money)
7. Debt is a two-edged sword and a powerful tool for creation or destruction. We must handle it carefully and treat it with respect. It accelerates wealth growth or financial disaster.
8. One of the great secrets to getting rich is to "make" money.
9. Controlling the emotions of fear and greed/desire which are often attached to money is the much more important lesson which is applicable to all aspects of life.

On Sin, Repentance and the Atonement:

Sin has an actual effect on our souls—both spiritually and to a lesser degree, physically. It also sets a course toward eternal damnation. By repenting, we change our hearts, stop the sin, and do our best to remedy the problems caused by it. But we cannot undo what was done, we cannot erase the effects of our actions or the damage we have done to ourselves. We cannot through our own effort cleanse and purify ourselves or change our course sufficiently to regain the path to God or avoid damnation.

Therefore, repentance—while necessary—is not and never will be enough. Thus God, in his mercy and goodness, sent us a savior to redeem the effects and rewards of sin which is death and hell. He took our sins upon him and overcame them for us. And so when we repent and are baptized as an exercise of faith in Him accepting Him as our savior, His grace becomes sufficient for us. He overcomes the effects of sin in us and which allows us to regain God’s presence. The Holy Ghost comes upon us and has a cleansing and purifying effect on our soul. He sanctifies us, so that we become clean—without spot—holy and pure even as Jesus is. For by the blood are we sanctified and by the spirit are we justified.

Our work is to keep the commandments of God, make and keep sacred covenants and even be perfect as Jesus and his father are perfect. But we, being weak and fallen and subject to the weakness of the flesh cannot be perfect. Thus our works cannot save us for they are insufficient. It is by grace that we are saved after all that we can do. Nevertheless, we must work diligently—for our works are the demonstration of our faith. Do we have the faith in God and Jesus Christ to keep His commandments? Do we have faith enough to repent? Do we have faith enough to deny the flesh and addictions? Do we have faith enough to follow Christ, and do all that He asks of us, even if it leads to the cross and a bitter cup? We must do all that we can, repenting when we sin, and the miraculous atoning power of Jesus Christ will make up the infinite balance lacking—having already overcome the greatest obstacles of death and hell. If we don’t give our whole selves, our full effort—our all, then our faith is not sufficient. Christ says: “give me everything you have, and I’ll make up the difference.”

And so we work diligently to keep the commandments and do God’s will (repenting as we go) because of our faith in Christ. For we know that it is only in and through him that we can be saved. We of ourselves are nothing, but in Christ we can do all things and overcome the world and be perfect in him. This gift of salvation is only available to those who enter into the covenants of baptism and who receive the Holy Ghost as prescribed by Jesus and by legal administrators authorized by him to act on his behalf—who have lawfully received His priesthood.

Not only does the grace provided by the Atonement of Christ redeem us from the effects of sin, but it has the power to transform us into new creatures. It lifts us to levels we could not achieve on our own. And provides us with the inspiration and endurance to perform labors we would not otherwise be able to achieve or maintain. We need a savior to change our nature—to fill us with charity and love for mankind.

A note on mercy and justice: If justice sees that we get what we deserve, then mercy extends to us more than we deserve. Even if we suffer the penalty for our sins… the penalty is paid, but we are still filthy and unholy, and our character/nature would still be contrary to the character and nature of God—thus we would be unable to withstand his presence or the celestial law and glory.
Also, God will put us in the glory or kingdom in which we will be able to stand and find the greatest joy—conducive to the natural state we attained to. If we cannot abide a celestial law, we will not withstand a celestial glory—we won’t be able to take it and will even feel unworthy and unclean and therefore will feel more comfortable in the place we obtained to. Blessings are predicated on obedience to the particular laws and principles required to obtain it.

I believe that the character and love of God is such that he will give us the maximum reward and minimum punishment that His justice and mercy will allow.

Oh the special character of God. Oh the greatness and the goodness and the mercy of God. Indeed, I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me; confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me. I tremble to know that for me he was crucified. Oh, it is wonderful to me—For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten and beloved son to be sacrificed and slain for the sins of the world that whosoever should believe on him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

I testify that Jesus is the Christ. That he in fact and in deed did come to show us the way and the way is through Him. He died and rose again the 3rd day. He conquered Death for all that all might be resurrected and Hell for those who believe on His name and keep His commandments.

I would that all men and women everywhere would come unto Him and taste of that fruit which is most precious and most desirable above all else. I would that everyone could experience the sweetness and the miracle of forgiveness and the tender loving kindness of the Savior. He truly is the way the truth and the light, the son of God. Amen.

On Creation

The 3 most popular theories for the origin of the world are: Atheists’ non-creation and Christians’ Old-earth (God created the world over a long period of time) and Young-earth (God created the world in 6 days and it's only a few thousand years old). Mine is a 4th theory that combines the strong points of both Christian theories and could satisfy some of atheists’ complaints. It is based off of some of the information Professor Hugh Nibley of BYU gave in his lectures about the temple.

I believe—without deviating from scripture—in a different view of the creation—one that I see few discuss or even consider. The fundamental difference is that I believe that the idea of an “ex-nilio” (from nothing) creation was not the original meaning intended by the word 'creation' in the scriptures (that it wasn’t even considered by the ancient Hebrews or early Christians—and only adopted after they accepted Greek philosophy); but rather that matter, spirit, and intelligence are all coeternal with God. Removing the forced “ex-nilio” connotation allows for more flexible theories.

I view eternity not as timeLESSness, but as without beginning and without end—infinite duration; and that all things (as consistent with the 1st law of thermodynamics)—matter/energy can neither be created nor destroyed (fundamentally), but have always existed and always will.

And by creation, it’s meant that God took of this eternal and unorganized matter and created/organized (in the creative sense) the Heavens and the Earth. And thus, by beginning, God meant the beginning of this organization—this new creation. And when God spoke—the matter obeyed the Supreme Being and became even as He commanded.
These creative periods could have taken any length of time—that is irrelevant in this case. They could have been 7,000 years or billions, or 7 actual days as we know them. How could we possibly fathom the methods of an all-powerful God in the creation of such things—whether out of nothing as usually proposed or of unorganized eternal matter as I believe?

This view is also consistent with the findings of science; for when they try to date this material—who knows what state it would have been in when God started forming the Earth, and how His creative works affected the observable age of such things. New molecules forged together would start a new timeline as traced by science. Layers of the Earth could have been made and shaped in violent, drastic ways that our experience and understanding can’t comprehend, etc.

Notably, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which talks about atrophy and the breakdown of matter, is also consistent with my model. For the natural state of things is chaos and disorder. Things die, decay and break down from greater or heavier to lesser or lighter according to the 2nd law. But, seeing that there is order and creation, there must also be an opposing force which creates, organizes, and maintains order—namely God. This is also observed in science. But even so, we see things (the world, men, lives, matter, etc.) breaking down—corruptible and fallen; and there would be no reversal if there wasn’t a similar force to the creative one which could restore, redeem and atone things back to their original orderly and proper state.

As a final note, God must have some means to (most probably through the same afore mentioned power of atonement) reconstitute things not only to their original state, but to a higher, eternal and incorruptible state of perfection that is free from the destructive force.

I’m sure you can see the implications in this model for sin, death, resurrection, etc. In fact, the way I see it is that before the fall of Adam, he and the Earth were in the presence of God, but once Adam transgressed the law, God’s sustaining influence that kept everything in a perpetual pristine and perfected state left (for He can’t dwell in unholy temples). Without His direct influence and obedience to His will, things fell and the natural order of things began to take affect. Through the Atonement of Christ all men and indeed all of God’s creations will be resurrected, cleansed from all imperfections, renewed and restored back to God’s presence. All things will be saved from the destructive forces of nature—death and men who accept Jesus Christ will also be saved from Hell—spiritual death or separation from God, for being cleansed and perfected through the grace and atoning blood of Christ, we will be perfected in Him and live forever in the presence of God.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Cutting Edge

“It looks like aliens have landed,” was all my best friend’s father would say. My friend Mike and I stood there with amused, smug smiles on our faces as Mike’s dad stared at the freshly cut lawn with a strange glint in his eye. “It could become a new fashion,” offered Mike, trying to justify the strange pattern we had left on his neighbor’s lawn. Most of the lawn seemed normal, but in one large, square section, my friend had started at the center and spiraled out, creating a large hypnotic circle.
My friend and I often experiment with different designs as we mow people’s lawns. Depending on our mood or requests from the customer, we might mow a lawn diagonally or vertically. Sometimes when we’re feeling tired and lazy, we’ll just go around the border until it is finished. On an odd day, we might do ‘S’ curves throughout the lawn. Lawn mowing can be as interesting and artistic as a sculpture or painting. People tend to think of their yards as works of art. Why else would they often pay large sums of money for me to mow their lawn on a weekly basis? If they just wanted the grass cut, they could hire just any little kid for a fraction of the price.
Many people think, by some stroke of genius, that lawn mowing is hard work. It is. The average lawn requires mowing every week for nearly six months. Here in the desert, the sun beats down mercilessly with temperatures in the eighties and nineties. Each workday reveals the intimate aromas that mingle with the sweat of the lawn mower. Dust, grass clippings, body odor and gasoline are the perfume of choice by all experienced lawn mowers. Cracked, dry lips screaming for water become second nature; chapstick is the lawn mower’s best friend. Heatstroke and dehydration are merely the byproducts of focused, efficient work.
Of all the trials found in mowing lawns, walking in a straight line is by far the most difficult to accomplish. Tiny lumps in the lawn constantly leap out and grab the machine, throwing it careening off course. Drips of sweat, blurring the eyes, distract the mower from his line of sight. As he frantically wipes his eyes and swats at mosquitoes, he follows a zigzag course. Mysterious objects hiding in long tufts of grass must be moved aside, or mowed around.
Emptying the bag can be one of the most annoying and distracting routines of mowing a lawn. Every so often, the mower must stop and empty the bag before it overflows, leaving tiny clumps of grass clippings that cry volumes against the purity and perfection of the green sea. This break causes a complete loss of focus and concentration to the mower. The next few strips of grass mowed often reflect the mower’s frustration at having been interrupted from his reverie.
By far, the worst aspect of mowing lawns is cleaning up. After a hard days work, no one wants to deal with ten huge, black bags full of grass. Perhaps a week later, the offending pile of bags will be noticed by its distinct odor. The mower’s mother most likely displays her liking for more fashionable fragrances around the yard and orders the pile removed. Nothing can compare to the sensation and stench of green ooze running from bag, to arm, to clothes (which retain the smell for some weeks afterward) as they are taken to the nearest disposal area.
Efficient and artistic lawn mowers are hard to come by. Few people have the patience to experience the relaxing joy of lawn mowing found by raking smooth strokes across an endless sea of green carpet. My friend Mike and I, and some few select others, stand alone in a world where people want instant food, constant convenience, and have little appreciation for hard work and creativity. We alone appreciate the joys found in mowing lawns.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Essay I wrote on Abortion


Women have abortions for many different reasons. A woman might feel that she is too young to be a mother. She may be scared of childbirth, motherhood, or of others finding out about her actions. She may feel she is an unfit mother, or maybe she knows the father doesn’t want a child. A mother might not want her child if she finds out he or she may be born deformed or handicapped. A model or actor may not want to ruin her figure. Or sadly, the pregnancy might be the result of rape. Finally, the mother’s life might be at risk and an abortion is necessary to saver her life. But I feel that abortion is wrong, with the exception of the last reason, and that women should give their child up for adoption instead because life is precious, abortions kill babies, and having children is an important role of women.
First of all, life is precious. Every living being on this earth deserves the right to live. Our laws, government, and human nature all focus on saving and preserving life. How many people have risked and lost their lives attempting to save others even when all seems hopeless. And yet women, both young and old, carelessly and irresponsibly use the powers of procreation and then try to evade the consequences of their actions for selfish and cowardly reasons. No matter when life is considered to begin in the growth and development of a baby, future or potential life—once the process has begun—is the same as if the baby was already born. It is considered among the most despicable crimes to murder babies, and yet mothers who are usually the most tender and caring toward children, the most capable of self sacrifice for their children, go against nature and take their own child’s life before it is fully given.
Secondly, Abortions kill babies. It is undeniable premeditated murder. Everyone knows that murder is wrong. It denies a person of freedom, of life, and is impossible to undo. My wife has a friend who had an abortion. She felt she was too young and wanted a career. She thought that her studies and work were more important than a child. Afterward, she was always sad. She realized that there really was a baby and that she denied it of life—that she killed it. She has been very unhappy and depressed about her mistake ever since. Finally, because I am religious, I believe that it is a sin and not just wrong. I believe that murder is against God’s will and frustrates his plans regarding his children who should have the chance to come to earth to learn and grow.
Third, having children is an important part of a woman’s life. I believe that the role of motherhood is among the greatest occupations anyone could have. I think that especially those women who willfully use the powers of procreation, should grow up, expect, prepare for and accept the responsibilities of motherhood. I have seen the change motherhood has on my wife and friends and family who have become mothers. They become more responsible, more loving and happy. Being a mother is hard and very stressful, childbirth is painful, but the reward of seeing the smile of one’s own child must surely be worth all the sacrifice. No career, no riches, nothing could compare to the value of a child and the joys of motherhood. To trade the life of a child and deny one’s role of a mother for convenience, fear, or worldly pursuits cannot be right.
Granted, mothers may have reasons, maybe really good ones, for not wanting or not being ready to have a child. But I feel that life is incredibly important; not only to humanity, but to each individual and to the parents who created it. I know that murder is wrong and a sin and abortion is murder. I believe that motherhood is important and that children bring joy to mothers. Rather than kill the child to solve one’s problems, women should deal with the responsibility of their actions and give the child life, and then if they can’t keep it or don’t want it, they can give it up for adoption to mothers who so desperately want children but can’t. In conclusion, even though a woman might have many reasons to have an abortion, with the exception of the risk of death to the mother, abortions are wrong and nothing can excuse a disregard for life, murder, or a lack of respect for motherhood. Adoption is a much better alternative.

Note on “Pro Choice”: Some say that women should have the right to choose whether to have a baby or not and what to do with their body.
This is correct—women have a choice: whether to have sexual intercourse or not. Once they’ve made the decision to do so—they have another choice: commit murder or become a mother…

Some exceptions—results of rape, or health problems where the mother’s life is in danger—in which case the mother and doctors are faced with choosing the life of the mother or the life of the child or losing both…

The beginning to a novel by Robert Michael Wahlquist



The smoke from the blazing fire in the center of the inn’s main room clouded everyone’s vision and added to the sleepy mood everybody was already in. The remains of a marvelous feast sat on the table and the innkeeper’s wife was bustling around the sleepy guests, clearing food and plates. The innkeeper’s small daughter had just turned eight that day, and was sleepily humming from the soft armchair that almost completely enveloped her.
“Tell me a story, Daddy.” She requested in the peculiar accent of the land, sitting up from the chair so she could be heard.
Smiling tiredly back at her, ‘Daddy’ replied, “Darling, you’re a big girl now, you don’t need a story do you?”
She was just getting up her puppy dog face and fake tears when a stern voice with a strange accent jokingly intervened. “Ay, ‘tis ‘er birthday ta-day and we’re all ‘ere ta feast ta ‘er. So oi says we gives the gel a story.” It was the Captain. He lived at the inn, and when he spoke, which he rarely did, people obeyed. He had that commanding air about him that made the people label him ‘Captain‘. He was apparently in a good mood tonight, calling for a story. The group began to liven up.
“Oh, thank you, Captain, and would you tell it for me?” The girl said, a glowing smile coming to her face. “Tell one about the good times, long ago, with heroes and such, with people living happily ever after.” She continued, her words increasing speed as she spoke.
“Now dear, don’t be rude! Come, it’s time for your bed.” The innkeeper said, taking a step towards her.
“Stop!” The Captain said firmly, banging his cane on the ground. “Oi’ll tell ‘er a story, though it moightn’t end happily ever after. You will all gather ‘round ‘n listen,” he finished in a commanding tone, and then continued to give directions of where to sit. He himself pulled up a rocking chair next to the fire, where the dim light danced across his sharp features. Indeed, in his youth he must have been quite hansom. His dark hair was streaked now with silvery-gray, his piercing blue-green eyes seemed to penetrate the souls of those who spoke with him, and yet, in contrast, his warm, charming smile and dramatic facial expressions kept everyone spellbound.
All the guests were wide-awake now. The group settled down into the comfortable chairs and the Count asked for yet another piece of the Mrs.‘s delicious cherry pie.
The Captain cleared his throat and began. “This is a story ne’er told before, yet as true as yew or oi ‘tis ‘ere. There ain't many peoples left ta tell it, so oi best get it out ‘afore oi croaks.” He glanced thoughtfully out the frosted window. “But if’n yew want da story . . . Oi'll ‘ave to foind somewheres ta start . . .”
“My daddy usually starts at the beginning, sir.” The birthday girl commented helpfully. “You might try that.”
“Yes, very wise of yew gel, da beginning is a most excellent place ta start. So be it, da beginning then.” The Captain raised his voice and began. “Oi am one who yew moit recognize from long ago. Oi was on the High Council, a loyal servant and close friend to Her Majesty Queen Mary Anne da Third.” Gasps arose from the group and he continued, “So da names are familiar? Oi guess we did some things that were publicized a bit. Dat is what moi story is about.”
“Long ago, and far away, on the isle of Markscrewn . . .”

Chapter I

In the moonlit night, waves crested and fell, pounding ceaselessly against the dark cliffs and rocky shores on the isle of Markscrewn. Hungry seabirds dived and soared around the cliffs, parents gathering their young in the rocky yet warm nests high above. In the forest atop the cliffs catlike predators took protection from the cold in their deep dens, taking time to play and wrestle with their young.
But these creatures were not the only ones gathering together on the cold, fog-covered island. Nosing out here and there from the cliff side, projecting like thorns, were the muzzles of dozens of heavy artillery cannons. Clustered around a large canyon pass in the cliffs, they swung to face an oncoming steamship.
Proper clearance signals were flashed, and the large luxury yacht continued carefully up the canyon, around turns and bends, always under the watchful eye of more invisible guardians of the pass.
At one particular U-shaped bend, a fort projected out, triangular in shape and bristling with guns. A gigantic gate stretched from this fort across the water to the other side of the sheer canyon walls, where a tower was carved out of the rock. This fortress, the Jut, had never been defeated and was the site of many a Silldastrilltania victory. The gates swung silently open as the ship approached then closed slowly behind it. The space between wall and ship was narrow, and someone at the fort could have reached out and touched the cold steel of the boat. They might have run their hand over the gilt lettering proclaiming the ship's name: the H.M.S. Royal Flower; as fine a ship as ever sailed. The smoke from her twin funnels blended unnoticeably with the fog, which oppressively hung over everything and seemed to prelude what was to come.
Finally the canyon broadened out, and the river became a small lake, completely surrounded by large palaces. The lake was beautiful and calm. The mist that still shrouded sight cleared momentarily, granting a marvelous glimpse: domes, spires, fountains, and statues filled the view. Two large statues of Cherubim, with flaming spears and the emblems of Silldastrilltania on their shields, stood facing out at the mouth of the canyon. To the south, the impressive towers of a fort could be seen; yet, even more impressively, to the west, were the towers, spires, and walls of the Fortress of Markscrewn. Despite this grandeur, however, a cloud of gloom seemed to hang in the air, as the fog closed again and seeing was impaired.
The Royal Flower slipped next to a dock, slowly coming to a halt. Quietly and hurriedly dockworkers brought up a loading ramp, and matched it with a gap in the ship's railing. A small group of dark figures gathered on deck, and a single hooded figure broke away and swiftly glided down the ramp.
“This way, Your Excellency.” A man on the dock said, as he put his arm around the figure and fell into step.
“I’m sorry . . .”
“Thank you, Chancellor,” a sad, yet beautiful feminine voice replied. “You - you must tell me - how is my father?” The two reached the end of the dock, where a silver motor car was waiting with its engines running.
The Chancellor opened the back door and they both got in. The car started moving. “You arrived here swiftly; did you have any trouble?” Said the Chancellor once they were on the road.
“My ship is said to be the fastest in the world; and yes, we had trouble - the Watichi are pirating the straits again - but you’re changing the subject! Tell me! How is my father?”
“I’m afraid - “ he started. “Oh, I’ll tell you straight. He doesn’t have very long left MaryAnne. When we heard your ship was approaching, your father was very disappointed that it wasn’t Edward . . . He really wanted to talk to the heir to the throne”
“Always Edward . . .” the Princess mused sadly. “Poor Edward . . .”
“What?” The Chancellor asked at her mutterings.
“Nothing.” She said, and the car fell into silence. This was a something she could not even tell her friend the Chancellor - yet.
Atop a small, gently slopping hill, Markscrewn loomed closer and closer. The gleaming car purred up the road, which followed alongside an old aqueduct. As the gates of the fortress came into view, the heavens chose that moment to open up and cry for the dying ruler of Silldastrilltania in a down-poor of rain. The Royal youth were being gathered back to their dying parent. The gates too were guarded by stone Cherubim facing out with flaming spears and emblazoned shields. Legend had it that the stone figures awakened to defend the fortress in times of need. For this reason the gate, if it could be called that, had but a set of large wooden doors, which opened as the car, passed through. There was no moat, portcullis, or any others of the defenses and accessories of gates. It was simply left to legend to defend the gate. The car passed through the gate and between the statues, which seemed to be weeping with great drops of rainwater running down their faces. MaryAnne looked out the window, seeing a blurred view of the same thing she had seen dozens of times before - the luxuriant gardens, the statues, the fountains, and in the center of it all, behind the inner walls and in front of the government complexes, was the palace itself and the adjacent fortress Antonia. All that could be seen of it was a dark, giant shape rising up from the ground.
The car pulled up to the steps of the palace and the Chancellor opened the door once again for Her Excellency. They ascended the steps quickly, and the doors opened before them as they approached. The grandeur of the entrance hall usually took MaryAnne’s breath away, but the soberness of the situation prevented this. Several uniformed men approached the arrivals, their eyes downcast. This was the High Council - the true rulers of Silldastrilltania. Subdued greeting were exchanged, a servant took their cloaks, and the men tried to usher the Princess off to her room. As they argued in low tones, the Chancellor, the youngest of the High Council, (for he too was a member) watched the Princess, now with her cloak off, seeing her strawberry-blond hair and overall attractiveness, and for the first time realizing how young and mature she really was - seventeen, next month was it . . .
“Take me to my father.” The girl said softly yet commandingly, the sound of her voice interrupting the Chancellor’s reveille.
“Now, now . . .” General Zarkoff, an old, bearded veteran said softly.
“Take me to my father!” She repeated rather loudly.
“Yes, all right.” The General said, as if against his better judgment. He turned and led them up the main staircase. They went through doors, down halls, up stairs, past exquisite tapestries, across tiled floors, and even once through a secret passageway. Lightning flashed through the windows, and thunder put in its contribution by pounding dully on the walls. MaryAnne was just thinking she’d never find her way out alone when they halted before a large, iron spiked door. She glided past the others and softly knocked.
“Come in.” A doctor's voice said. MaryAnne pushed the door open and walked into the dimly lit room.
“Go.” She told the attending doctor who had let them in. High up in one of the towers, the room was very spacious. MaryAnne had never been here before - the off-limits room of her father. Scattered haphazardly around the room were various naval objects, most notably the excellently crafted models of several ships: from an old schooner, the Sea Elf, to the latest battleship, King Richard II. MaryAnne thought they must be the boats her father had captained. He had personally commanded every lead ship of a class from the revolution to last year, when he had fallen sick. All those years of her father away, empire building: he had made Silldastrilltania the greatest country in the world, at least pertaining to land area and military power. Politically, it was a different story. The country’s affairs had been mostly managed by the High Council, her father’s most trusted aids, while he was away, which was most of the time.
MaryAnne thought if she were Queen, the country could use some enlightenment. Half a century of wars was enough for a long time, plus she suspected corruption in the present council . . . She glanced at the Chancellor, who had shooed out the others and gone across the room to a staircase. “You read my mind,” She said. “I was just going to have them leave myself.”
He smiled. A great man, she thought as they exited this gallery room by climbing the stairs, going higher and higher in the tower. He had to be good - to be only what? - Twenty-five? --and on the High Council. The rest of the members of the Council were battle hardened veterans and ancient priests of the Sanhedrin. She remembered how the Chancellor’s aspiring political ambitions had caught her father’s eye two years ago, when the old Chancellor Valtereth had died. Her father had looked high and low for a replacement, finally coming across the man who was now walking beside her - the man most likely to win the election for head of the Imperial Senate - the man who is the second most powerful person in all of Silldastrilltania and therefore in the world. How quickly he was rising in life! She’d been a friend with him from the first time they met, at one of her father’s dinner parties . . .
“MaryAnne!” A voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Father?" She said, running to the large, four-poster bed in the center of the room they’d just entered, where a frail looking man was half-sitting. She hugged him.
“Old war wounds acting up again.” The king of Silldastrilltania said, smiling and suddenly going into a fit of coughing. He seemed resigned to death, with hollow eyes and a pale face. Indeed, the doctors knew he didn’t have very long left to live.
“Oh Father, you never change, do you - always stubborn” she said teasingly.
“Yes, umm . . . Have you seen Edward?” He said, growing sad again and coughing.
“He was leading the fleet out of Scapa Bay to crush the Watichi pirates, last I saw. That was half a week ago.”
“That’s my boy.” The dying king said fondly. “Tell Edward to continue in exactly this same manner when he is king . . .”
MaryAnne thought that she should change a lot if she were queen, for one the rights of women - she’d show Edward! But no, she realized sadly. The fleet had been ambushed by the pirates - a complete defeat, so the rumors said. Only a small squadron survived. Cowards . . . MaryAnne thought. Heroes would have fought to the death. She wanted Father to die happy, and knowing his only son had been captured and possibly killed by the pirates would not allow that.
“Father -” MaryAnne said. “Will you - will you for once talk to me? You always talk to Edward, or about Edward. You and I have never talked about - well, you and I. You - you never even told me about my mother. I was too young to really remember her! What happened to her?” This statement had been inside MaryAnne a long time - it relieved her immensely to have it out. She waited for its effect.
The impassive face of the king showed nothing to hint he had even heard her. He too had things he wanted to say inside him - things he needed to tell Edward, as Edward was to be the next ruler of Silldastrilltania. But he decided to humor his oldest daughter, as this might be his last chance to do so. Perhaps it would take a burden off of him . . . “Your mother . . .” he sighed. Your mother was - different - a woman of mythical beauty. I’m sorry, if I’ve neglected you. You -” he said, choking up. “You look just like your mother. I could never really bear to have you around after she left.”
“She left? The queen left?” MaryAnne interjected, sounding incredulous.
“Well, I was afraid I’d have to tell you. She was from Antrill. You know what that means - she was an Elf. One of those extraordinary creatures. I met her on my campaigns, and she was one of the rare Elves to leave Antrill. You see, they have this uncanny fell for the placed - the final home or some such nonsense (What?). They always have to go back. After she had Elizabeth, she would spend long hours staring out to sea, endless days where she seemed more and more forlorn and less and less there, almost like she was becoming a - a ghost.
{[One day a white sailing ship appeared on the horizon and she turned to me and said ‘I must go,’ kissed me and walked out into the sea. I tried to call her back, but she turned only to call back ‘Goodbye Richard!’ then boarded the white ship, which was suddenly covered by a cloud, and then she was gone. It nearly broke my heart. As soon as you were old enough I sent you away to school. I couldn't bear to see her in you. It’s just that - I didn’t want you to take her place in my heart. I didn't want to love you. I want you to know now that I love you with all my heart. Please forgive me.”]}
MaryAnne had listened spellbound to this narrative, while the Chancellor waited just outside the door. Tears welled up in MaryAnne’s eyes. “Father, Father.” She sobbed and they embraced. As they parted, he began coughing again. He was fading fast.
“Chancellor - come in here, please.” The king said, recovering. “Boy, I admire you.” He said, addressing the Chancellor. “I want you to watch over Edward and make sure he does things right. You remind me of myself at your age. Full of life, of passion and an excellent head on your shoulders besides. Also, take care of my daughters - make sure they each find – a good man.” As he said this last part he winked at the Chancellor.
The king began coughing again, violently and with no sign of stopping, and he fell back onto the bed. “Go, call the doctor -”
MaryAnne sobbed - there were so many questions she needed to ask, so many things left unexplained and unsaid. The Chancellor ran out of the room.
“I love you, MaryAnne.” The king said calmly and faintly. “And I want you to know, you . . .” He erupted in a fit of coughing. Lightening lit up the chamber followed instantly by a thunderous bang that shook the walls. The king never finished - he closed his eyes in final rest.
So died Richard II, last King of Silldastrilltania.